The Notes I Keep

As anxious queen

of my housely land

I keep my cell notes

close at hand.

Though I rarely use it

I use it enough.

First: feed the Horse God

three carrot stew

to upgrade horses

in my Zelda play-through.

Second: Minecraft

I don’t play it much

so I only have one base

at 10 something such.

Third: ‘To Work On,’

‘Cause I have some goals,

“Speak no evil of others

and cherish their souls.”

Fourth: For Writing

because I’m always afraid

I’m not doing enough

to succeed in my trade.

Fifth: a poem

in a moment of weakness

when I was left out

of tasting the sweetness.

Lastly, some shows

to watch while I run,

because of my treadmill

and hate of the sun.

Come on, me,

remember, remember.

Though what does that say,

of me, I wonder?

5 thoughts on “The Notes I Keep

      1. No. I just like helping to find the perfect word? Housely isn’t cringey, just different. I was wondering if there was a more perfect word to fit there. Sometimes… What’s the word for when we make up words to describe things off the cuff? Sometimes the different word sticks out so you notice the one particular word rather than the entire prose piece?


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